Når du har besluttet dig for at automatisere, er her nogle trin til at hjælpe dig i gang:
Trin 1: Definer dine mål
Når du dykker ned i et automatiseringsprojekt, er det vigtigt at starte med det grundlæggende. Stil dig selv disse spørgsmål:
- Why are you looking to automate? Is it to speed up production, or improve product quality? Maybe you’d like to make your facility safer by automating a dangerous process. Regardless, it’s important to figure out your “why” and set up a measurable goal for success, such as improving cycle time by X amount.
- What is your budget? Automation projects can range in cost depending on the complexity of the application. It’s also important to think about the total cost of ownership, which factors in software, spare parts, preventive maintenance, etc.
- How realistic is my timeline? It takes time to design a robotic system that’s tailored to your specific needs. The entire process can take anywhere from 20 to 40 weeks (or more) depending on the size and scope of your project.
Tip: Det er okay at plukke den lavthængende frugt til et førstegangs automatiseringsprojekt. At holde tingene enkle vil sikre let at bevise ROI, nem installation og opbygge automatiseringstillid blandt dit team.
Trin 2: Find en partner
Next, you’ll need a system integrator who knows how to translate your goals into an automated robot cell that works for your company. Find an integrator that has a lot of experience with your specific application type.
Tip: Kawasaki makes it easy to find an integrator that specializes in your type of application. Visit our partner page to find your match!
Trin 3: Kommuniker tydeligt
Processen med at designe din automatiserede celle vil kræve en konsekvent kommunikationsstrøm mellem dig og din integratorpartner. Her er nogle måder at sikre, at intet bliver overset:
Appoint a project manager from your team. As your system integrator will have a project manager who will serve as your liaison. This will ease the flow of communication and keep the project on track.
Don’t forget you’re an expert, too! While your integrator is an expert on all things automation, you are an expert on your product and manufacturing process. It’s the combination of your expertise and their experience that results in successful applications.
Tip: Opret ugentlige møder mellem de udpegede projektledere for at diskutere fremskridt, ændringer eller eventuelle problemer, der opstår.
Trin 4: Få dit hold om bord
I virkeligheden gør robotteknologi og automatisering en arbejdsplads mere sikker og giver medarbejderne mulighed for at blive omkvalificeret til bedre, mere menneskevenlige roller. For at sikre, at dit system kører problemfrit, er det vigtigt at have folk på dit team, som kan betjene robotten og fejlfinde.