Machine tending can be a simple, automated process of handling product to accommodate a machining process. However, reducing cycle time is crucial because tending a machine is not adding value to the product. Kawasaki is continually developing products to reduce cycle time and offer greater automation flexibility.
Kawasaki offers many products to reduce the time to manipulate product in a machine tending process. The Kawasaki robot software allows for both automatic quick change tooling as well as servo controlled end of arm tooling. Many Kawasaki products and services allow for operator interaction with the machine tending process, such as custom Human Machine Interfaces, as well as custom operator safety solutions. The Kawasaki robots can either be programmed using the simpler Block Step style programming, or the full Kawasaki AS programming language for the more logic-intensive solutions.
Kawasaki offers standard and custom machine tool automation interfaces, as well as complete machine control and operator safety solutions for your machine tending challenges.
Robotter til Maskinpleje

Små til mellemstore robotter op til 80 kg nyttelast
Kawasakis teknologi og erfaring er indbegrebet af R-serien, som kan prale af den højeste ydeevne i sin klasse. En hurtigere hastighed og bredere arbejdskonvolut er blevet indarbejdet i de små kroppe. En bred vifte af produkter er tilgængelig for at imødekomme kundernes behov til forskellige applikationer og industrier.

Ekstra store robotter op til 1.500 kg nyttelast
Ekstra stor nyttelast universalrobotter med en nyttelastkapacitet på over 300 kg.

Dobbeltarmede kollaborative robotter
Kawasakis unikt udviklede dobbeltarmede SCARA-robot kan sameksistere og samarbejde med mennesker.

Collaborative Robots
CL Series Collaborative Robots